The design-build project is for a 22 miles section of CHSR for Construction Package 4 (CP-4) located within the counties of Tulare and Kern, and the City of Wasco. It includes at-grade, retained fill and aerial structures.
JMEC has been Served as Independent Check Engineer (ICE) and Independent Site Engineer (ISE). Work included reviewing and performing independent design check of HSR structures and overcrossings to verify and to validate conformance to the CHSR Design Criteria Manual; including the 1,952-ft Wasco Viaduct consisting of standard CIP P/S box girders and a 1,235-ft pergola crossing existing mainline BNSF railway; a pedestrian underpass for the reconstruction of Amtrak Station; Poso Avenue Underpass; and a double track prestressed U-shaped Garces Underpass. JMEC performed many nonlinear and special analyses as required for structural dynamic analysis, track serviceability and track-structure interaction to ensure the structures satisfy the performance goals under various load combinations using SAP2000 and CSiBridge.
During construction, JMEC reviewed design changes and field changes to suit site conditions.
Project Role:Independent Check Engineer
Independent Site Engineer
Clients: California High Speed Rail Authority
Project Status: Construction was completed in 2024